• Atrazan 50 <br> Atrazin 50% WPQuick View
    • Atrazan 50 <br> Atrazin 50% WPQuick View
    • Atrazan 50
      Atrazin 50% WP

    • Category: Weedicides Content: Atrazine 50% WP Advantages: It is recommended to control trianthema monogyna, digitaria arvensis, echinocloa, spp. elusine spp. Xanthium strumarium, brachiaria sp. Digitaria sp. Amaranthus viridies, cleome viscosa, polygonum sp. of maize. Partulaca oleracea, Digiteria sp., Boerhavia diffuse, Euphorbia sp. Tribulus terrestris of sugarcane crop. Crops: Apply in Sugarcane & Maize. Dosage: In Maize 400 gm - 800 gm & Sugarcane 400 gm…
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  • Colidor <br> Clodinafop Propargyl 15% WPQuick View
    • Colidor <br> Clodinafop Propargyl 15% WPQuick View
    • Colidor
      Clodinafop Propargyl 15% WP

    • PRODUCT FEATURES It is Clodinafop Propargyl 15% WP Step Up is a selective and post-emergent herbicide Step Up belongs to the Aryloxyphenoxy propionate group of herbicides It has systemic action Its half-life period in the soil is only a few days so there is no effect on the succeeding crops Step Up has good compatibility with other pesticides Recommendation  Crop:…
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  • Glyset 71 <br> Ammonium Salt of Glyphosate 71% SGQuick View
    • Glyset 71 <br> Ammonium Salt of Glyphosate 71% SGQuick View
    • Glyset 71
      Ammonium Salt of Glyphosate 71% SG

    • Category : Systemic Herbicide Content : Ammonium Salt of Glyphosate 71% SG Advantages : GLYSATE 71 is a non selective post emergence herbicide used for the control of annual perennial, broad leaf and grassy weeds. The formulation when applied to foliages destroys the weed from the root system. Crops : Apply in Tea & Non crop. Available Packing : 100…
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  • Mazer <br> Imazethapyr 10% SLQuick View
    • Mazer <br> Imazethapyr 10% SLQuick View
    • Mazer
      Imazethapyr 10% SL

    • Content: Imazethapyr 10% SL Advantages: It is recommended for use in Soyabean and Groundnut for control of annual grasses and broad leaf weeds. Crops: Apply in Groundnut & Soyabean. Dosage: 1.0 - 1.5 L for Groundnut & 0.75 - 1.0 L for Soyabean + MSO adjuvant @2ml / 1 ltr of water. Available Packing: 10 ml, 20 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500…
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  • Metriz <br> Metribuzin 70% W.PQuick View
    • Metriz <br> Metribuzin 70% W.PQuick View
    • Metriz
      Metribuzin 70% W.P

    • Content: Metribuzin 70% Wp Advantages: METRIPER is a selective herbicide used for control to the various kind of annual grasses and weeds in sugarcane, vegetables, wheat. METRIPER (METRIBUZIN 70%WP) is a selective systemic herbicide absorbed predominantly by the roots, but also by leaves, with translocation acropetally in the xylem. It is used for Pre/post-emergence control of most annual grasses and weeds including…
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  • Paradise <br> Paraquat Dichloride 24% SLQuick View
    • Paradise <br> Paraquat Dichloride 24% SLQuick View
    • Paradise
      Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL

    • Category : Herbicides Content : Paraquate Dichloride 24% SL Advantages : It is use to control imperata cylindrica, setaria sp, commelina benghalenis, Boerthvia hispida paspa-lum conjugatum of tea and weeds of potato, cotton, rubber, rice, wheat, grapes & aquatic weeds. Crops : Grapes, potato, cotton, wheat tea, aquatic weeds, rice & rubber. Available Packing : 250 ml, 500 ml, 1…
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  • Rounder Herbicide <br> Glyphosate 41% SLQuick View
    • Rounder Herbicide <br> Glyphosate 41% SLQuick View
    • Rounder Herbicide
      Glyphosate 41% SL

    • Category : Systemic Herbicide Content : Glyphosate 41% SL Advantages : ROUNDER is a emergence herbicide , it is also kills problematic and difficult weeds like sedges, ROUNDER can be used both as per -plant application and inter-row application , rounder should perferably be used when the weed is at 6-8 leaf stage and has growth up to 6-8 inch…
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  • Weed Killer 58 <br> 2,4-D Amine Salt 58% SLQuick View
    • Weed Killer 58 <br> 2,4-D Amine Salt 58% SLQuick View
    • Weed Killer 58
      2,4-D Amine Salt 58% SL

    • Category : Selective Herbicide Content : 2,4-D Amine Salt 58% SL Advantages : We provide 2,4-d Amine Salt 58% SL to our customers. Offered products are selective herbicide effective against broad leaved, weeds in sorghum, maize, wheat, aquatic weeds, potatoes & non-cropped area & highly acclaimed among our clients due to their excellent quality and precise composition. Available at industry…
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