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Redomill Faster Metalaxyl 8%…
Redomill Faster
Metalaxyl 8% + Mancozeb 64% WP
- Chemical composition:Metalaxyl 8 % + Mancozeb 64 % WP
- Dosage: Grapes, Potato, mustard: 1000 gm/acre Downy mildew; Tobacco Nursery (Damping off -Soil drench): 2000gm/acre; Bajra, Tobacco (Leaf blight/Black Shank): 800gm/acre; BlackPepper: 1.5 gm/ ltr
- Method of application: Spray, drenching
- Spectrum: Grapes: Downy Mildew; Tobacco nursery: Damping-off, Leaf blight, Black shank; Potato: Late blight; Mustard: White rust, Alternaria blight; Black pepper: Phytophthora Footrot; Pearl millet: Downy Mildew
- Compatibility: It is compatible with commonly used pesticides except for lime sulfur and Bordeaux mixture or alkaline solutions.
- Duration of effect: 10 days
- Frequency of application: Depends on pest incidence or severity of the disease.
- Applicable crops: Black pepper, Grapes, Mustard, Pearl millet, Potato, Tobacco
- Extra Description: Dual action, broad-spectrum fungicide which controls diseases by its preventive as well as curative action.